EUREKA!! An article by Neal Burton about the East Tennessee Mining Co/Eureka Mines.
To use the Forum, where collectors can exchange information, go to the Members menu item, and follow the steps to become a member of the Forum. There's no charge. You just have to register.
To get full use of the Forum, it's important to "Follow" as many members as possible. Then when they post, you will get an email notification.
A few pages are open to members of the National Scrip Collectors Association.
Those are: Scrip Talk, both current and archived issues; Gordon Dodrill's book, 20,000 Coal Company Stores; and Edkins Revisions,where Ken Allen, Neal Burton, Burley Williams, and others are making corrections and incorporating recent finds.
To gain access to those pages, join NCCA on the Join page.
On behalf of the National Scrip Collectors Association, I want to welcome you to this updated and expanded website. It is our intention to keep this site updated, interesting and informative for all users. If you are not already a member, please consider joining the NSCA and sharing your knowledge of coal scrip, lumber scrip, and related items. Just complete the steps on the “Join” page. NSCA members can access current and back issues of Scrip Talk, the NSCA quarterly publication, through this site. We share scrip-related information on the “Forum” page. Join the Forum by signing up on the "Members" page. NSCA holds two Scrip Shows each year. Please plan to attend these shows to buy, sell or trade scrip, to renew old friendships, and to make new ones.
Happy collecting!
Lynn Ours
NSCA President